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Decision Fatigue is Self-Sabotage

‍Decision Fatigue is Self-Sabotage

We make small, seemingly trivial decisions daily: What do I wear to work? What should I eat for dinner? Do I have enough groceries at home, or should I order
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Transform Your Routine: The Cadence of Accountability Meets the 80/20 Rule

“Develop the habit of letting small bad things happen. If you don’t, you’ll never find time for the life-changing big things.” -Tim Ferriss Search Google for “The 80/20 rule,” and
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Unraveling the Myth of Overnight Success: Command Clarity

Unraveling the Myth of Overnight Success: The True Value of Practice and Consistency

In the age of instant gratification and dopamine-driven distraction, where success stories are often condensed into a single post or video, the concept of “overnight success” has become a pervasive
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The Freedom of ‘7-4-7-2’​ 

1997-2020 Kathy Kolbe. All rights reserved.  I had an epiphany moment on February 27th, 2014, with one small caveat: I didn’t realize it at the time. “Aha!” moments are often
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Expecting Adversity

I am reading Seneca, an ancient Stoic philosopher, on a snow-filled spring morning. As I read, I listen to the whipping of the wind and the buzz of the text
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